The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery

The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery calls on the Christian Church to address the extinction, enslavement, and extraction done in the name of Christ on Indigenous lands.

Join the Movement

Our Coalition emerged from the Anabaptist faith tradition, and we invite anyone to join us who seeks to support Indigenous self-determination and efforts to protect the earth from ongoing colonization.

Join us as a sustaining donor

We are committed to a fundraising model that practices reparations: the majority of all undesignated donations are directed to an annual Indigenous Repair Partner in a 60/40 split.

Educate your community

Check out the resources we offer, and take action in support of our Indigenous Solidarity Campaigns.


Join a Committee as an individual

We are a grassroots movement that emphasizes volunteer leadership in four main committees and several connected working groups.

Join Our Repair Network

We welcome communities and congregations of any faith tradition to join our Repair Network that commits to moving beyond education toward reparative justice.


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